Amblyopia, referred to as “lazy eye,” occurs when one or both eyes do not develop normal vision during early childhood.

Squint, referred to as “Strabismus” medically, is a condition where the eyes do not look together in the same direction.


It is essential to check children’s vision when they are first born and again during infancy, preschool and school years. Amblyopia is a common condition affecting up to 4 percent of all children, must be diagnosed and treated as early as possible during infancy or early childhood to prevent permanent vision loss and to allow for development of optimal stereo or 3-dimentional vision. Common associations include misalignment or squint in either or both eyes, decrease in vision in either or both eyes, problems with depth perception, etc.


With over 30 years of clinical expertise providing world class super speciality eye care, we aim to reverse the tide of curable blindness in the NCR and surrounding townships.

Good vision is key to a child’s physical development, success in school and overall well-being. The vision system is not fully formed in babies and young children, and equal input from both eyes is necessary for the brain’s vision centres to develop normally. If a young child’s eyes cannot send clear images to the brain, his or her vision may become limited in ways that cannot be corrected later in life. But if problems are detected early, it is usually possible to treat them effectively.


The first initial step taken to combat amblyopia is to correct any refractive error. Having a refractive error means being nearsighted, farsighted or having astigmatism (distorted or blurry vision). A child may have a refractive error that is worse in one eye. That eye can “turn off”, or “be lazy” and vision will not develop properly. This can be difficult to tell since the child’s vision seems fine when using both eyes.


Amblyopia is usually corrected by making the child use their weaker eye. This can be done by putting a patch over the child’s stronger eye. Another way is to make vision blurry in the stronger eye using eye drops, or by wearing “fogged lens” eyeglasses. It may take months for the weaker eye to become stronger. Children do not like to have their stronger eye patched or blurred. However, you need to help your child do what is best for them.


Squint is when the eyes point in two different directions. One eye may be focused straight ahead while the other turns in, out, up, or down. To avoid seeing double, the child’s brain may ignore the image from the eye that is not focused straight ahead. But this can keep that eye from developing properly. Squint correction may be the next step of management, as decided by your surgeon.


Dr. Arun Sethi

Dr. Reena Sethi


Cataract is the eye related problem, which occurs due to presence of a cloudy or opaque natural lens. It is in most cases an age related problem, simply like greying of your hair.
Ageing is the most frequently encountered cause of cataract. Other causes include systemic diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, Trauma or injury, Inflammation of the eye, certain metabolic diseases, other congenital and developmental causes, and many more.
No, cataract in the eye leads to obstruction or “clouding” of visual axis, thereby making your vision dull or diminished. Currently no medications or glasses can reverse these changes in the lens.
Cataract surgery is a planned procedure in most cases.
Our doctors will be monitoring your visual acuity (done in ideal conditions) and your symptoms, then suggest a probable time frame for the surgery. Cataract doesn’t only reduce our vision it also affects the contrast or clarity of vision which usually is a complaint with our patients, and an indication for surgery.

Before surgery you will have to get a list of general investigations done, which would give us an idea on your general body health status at the time of surgery. Your systemic problems like hypertension or diabetes have to be under check prior and after the surgery.

After surgery, you need to be able to follow your discharge summary and apply drops to the operated eye as advised. Also, have to avoid dust, water and crowded places for atleast 1-2 Weeks after surgery.

For further questions on the surgery, precautions and other topics please feel free to discuss with your doctor.