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Pediatric Ophthalmologist in Gurgaon

Good vision is key to a child’s physical development, success in school and overall well-being. The vision system is not fully formed in babies and young children, and equal input from both eyes is necessary for the brain’s vision centers to develop normally.


We are located at 2 main centers in the National Capital Region. (NCR). With over 30 years of clinical expertise providing world class super speciality eye care, we aim to reverse the tide of curable blindness in the NCR and surrounding townships.



Children often don't complain of decrease in vision, especially if its in one eye. Often squint in one eye or both eyes may be intermittent and not constant and can be missed by parents / guardians. A child’s vision develops in the first few years of life, thus it is important to diagnose and treat amblyopia as early as possible. Otherwise, a child with amblyopia will not develop normal, healthy vision.

Sometimes parents can tell if their child has a vision problem. For instance, their child may squint, hold reading material very close to their face, or complain about things appearing blurry.



The first initial step taken to combat amblyopia is to correct any refractive error. Having a refractive error means being nearsighted, farsighted or having astigmatism (distorted or blurry vision). A child may have a refractive error that is worse in one eye. That eye can “turn off,” or “be lazy” and vision will not develop properly. This can be difficult to tell since the child’s vision seems fine when using both eyes.


Squint is when the eyes point in two different directions. One eye may be focused straight ahead while the other turns in, out, up, or down. To avoid seeing double, the child’s brain may ignore the image from the eye that is not focused straight ahead. But this can keep that eye from developing properly. Squint correction may be the next step of management, as decided by your surgeon.


Squint is when the eyes point in two different directions. One eye may be focused straight ahead while the other turns in, out, up, or down. To avoid seeing double, the child’s brain may ignore the image from the eye that is not focused straight ahead. But this can keep that eye from developing properly. Squint correction may be the next step of management, as decided by your surgeon.


Squint is when the eyes point in two different directions. One eye may be focused straight ahead while the other turns in, out, up, or down. To avoid seeing double, the child’s brain may ignore the image from the eye that is not focused straight ahead. But this can keep that eye from developing properly. Squint correction may be the next step of management, as decided by your surgeon.




Cataract Doctor in Gurgaon

Dr. Reena Sethi

Pediatric Ophthalmologist in Gurgaon

Dr Aditya Sethi

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  • What is LASIK surgery?
    LASIK surgery is a surgical procedure that corrects a wide range of nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism.
  • Am I a candidate for LASIK?
    The choice to have laser vision correction relies upon the consequences of an intensive preoperative assessment. Similarly as you are an extraordinary individual, each eye requires one of a kind and cautious assessment with the best innovation.
  • Does LASIK hurt?
    The treatment itself is easy on the grounds that we put a couple of desensitizing drops in your eyes to make you significantly progressively agreeable. You will feel pressure close by the eye during treatment. With LASIK, a few patients may encounter a sentiment of "something in the eye" for a day or so after treatment.
  • Will I experience pain after the treatment?
    A few patients experience a sentiment of consuming or scratchiness. This inclination by and large keeps going from one to three hours following the treatment. A great many people feel fine on the off chance that they sleep not long after the treatment.
  • When can I resume my normal activities?
    On the off chance that you have had a SURFACE PRK, you will have the option to come back to work inside three to four days of medical procedure. In the event that you have had LASIK techniques, you can profit to work for the next day. Eye prescriptions ought to be kept during working hours as taught by the specialist. While most exercises can be continued after this time, the face ought not be set submerged for in any event multi week following LASIK. Care ought to likewise be taken to maintain a strategic distance from any injury to the eye including scouring of the eyes during this period.
  • Will my vision improve immediately?
    You should be able to see reasonably well within a few days after your procedure. On the off chance that you have had a SURFACE PRK method, your vision may vary for the following 1 to 3 months and perusing fine print might be troublesome. On the off chance that you have had a LASIK method, your vision is probably going to settle around a month after the technique.
  • What is dry eyes?
    Dry eye disease is common condition which is characterized by disturbance of the tear film. The abnormality may cause variety of signs & symptoms leading to interference with quality of life.
  • What is cataract?
    Cataract is painless clouding in the lens of the eye which blocks light rays from passing through it. This in turn affect vision.
  • What are the effects on vision?
    Blurred, foggy vision Glare from lights/sun Double vision in one eye Gradual vision loss
  • How is cataract treated?
    Surgery is the only possible treatment for cataract. Surgery is considered if cataract severely affects vision. Your doctor will consider surgery if: Blurred vision affects your job You cannot drive safely Routine activities like Cooking, reading, watching television, climbing stairs are difficult
  • How to use eye drops?
    Wash hands Shake bottle of eyedrops before removing the cap Lie down or sit with head bent backwards Open both eyes and look up With one finger carefully pull down lower eyelid Do not touch eye or eyelid with bottle Squeeze eye drops from bottle into lower eyelid Close eyes for 5 mins Gently wipe excess drops with tissue Wait for 5 minutes before using a different eyedrop
  • When to contact doctor?
    Swelling or redness Severe pain Unusual discharge Nausea/vomiting Considerable difficulty in vision Sudden flashes of light in eye
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